Blinds Direct Online

Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Blinds for your Child’s Bedroom

When decorating your child’s bedroom, every parent wants to make it warm, inviting, comfortable and, most importantly, safe. You want to sleep well at night knowing that, even though your child is unsupervised, they’re not going to come to any harm. When it comes to children’s bedrooms, blinds are crucial elements for a good night’s sleep but they’ve got to be safe too. Here’s our guide to choosing the perfect blinds for your child’s bedroom.

Child Safe

With so many horror stories, choosing the perfect blinds for your child’s bedroom can be difficult when you’re trying to balance style and safety. A child’s bedroom is the place they’re going to spend time, mostly unsupervised so the first consideration for any parent when it comes to blinds is their child’s safety. Cords, beads, chains and other blind components can pose a huge risk to children and accidents involving children and blinds are extremely common in the UK with strangulation involving window blinds being the most common incident.

To reduce the risk posed by blinds in a child’s bedroom, avoid installing blinds with looped cords and ensure that all cords are kept short and out of the reach of children. At Blinds Direct Online, our full range of roller and Venetian blinds is completely child safe so you can be reassured that your child won’t come to any harm.

Your Guide to Choosing the Perfect Blinds for your Child’s Bedroom Blinds Direct Online


Growing up

As children grow up, their tastes and trends at school continuously change and they can change their minds at the drop of a hat. If you’re not ready to commit to painting the walls a hot pink colour, then a blind could be the perfect alternative because it’s a small feature and can be easily rolled away or swapped should your child decide that they no longer like pink!

If you’re renting your home, your landlord might not necessarily relish the idea of animal print wallpaper so a brightly coloured blind is a great compromise and can be removed when you move out!


We all know how important sleep is for children’s growth and development and how many of them often wake up at the crack of dawn in the summer or refuse to go to bed because it’s still day time outside. Blackout blinds can help you to make sure they get the sleep they need and stop them from waking you up too early! If you have really young children, blackout blinds are great for day time napping.

Our blackout blinds come in a range of colours so you can also add colour to the room in addition to having a more practical function.

Easy Wipe

Easy to clean and wipe blinds are essential when you’ve got grubby little hands in your home. Children’s bedrooms can take a real battering so blinds that can be wiped clean with a damp cloth are always welcome.

Our full range of roller and venetian blinds are all easy to clean so are perfect for your child’s bedroom and will withstand accidents or spillages.


Blinds can help you keep your child’s bedroom cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Getting children who are either too hot or too cold to sleep at night can be a nightmare but keeping blinds closed can make a real difference. Our blinds reflect heat in the summer and help to retain heat during the winter.

By regulating the temperature in your child’s bedroom you can be reassured that they’re safe and cosy and enjoy a better night’s sleep without worrying about if they’re too hot or too cold.

At Blinds Direct Online, we’ve got a huge range of roller and Venetian blinds that can be used for your child’s bedroom. Every single product is fitted with child-safe mechanisms so you can be reassured that your children will be safe during the night.




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